pancake factory case

Innovative Heat Recovery Technology Revolutionizes Energy Efficiency in Food Manufacturing

In the realm of food manufacturing, numerous processes generate substantial amounts of warm air, such as drying, boiling, frying, or grilling. However, these processes also release particles of fat, soot, and steam into the air, making it challenging to recover energy from warm air due to the traditional air handling units getting clogged by these particles. As a result, the warm air from food manufacturing processes has traditionally been vented directly into the atmosphere, leading to a significant waste of energy.

Our cutting-edge technology, Lepido, is designed to overcome this challenge by effectively recovering heat from air contaminated with particles. This breakthrough enables the capture and reuse of heat that would otherwise be lost, significantly improving energy efficiency within food manufacturing facilities.

A notable example of this innovation is a food processing plant in southern Sweden, which utilizes griddles as part of its operations. By implementing our technology, the facility was able to recover energy from the warm air generated during the grilling process and repurpose it to heat the production areas. This approach resulted in an impressive annual energy recovery of 1,500,000 kWh, reducing the plant's energy costs and lowering fossil CO2 emissions through enhanced energy efficiency.

In this particular case, you can read it here,  the recovered energy was used to heat the incoming air for the production spaces. However, there are other potential applications for the recovered heat, such as preheating water used in various processes like boiling, cleaning, or washing.

This innovation not only provides a sustainable solution to energy waste in food manufacturing but also offers versatile applications, making it a valuable asset for facilities aiming to reduce their carbon footprint and operational costs. As the food industry continues to seek ways to improve energy efficiency, technologies like this represent a crucial step forward in achieving these goals.